Thursday, August 28, 2008

一份特别的礼物 =D







Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Saturday, August 23, 2008

我‘ 满月’ 啦!! =P

啊!刚刚才记得原来我今天‘满月’了。。我指GE系我信主刚满一个月,所以我系一个刚刚‘ 满月’ 的BB。。太好了。。甘有纪念价值的日子,当然要写在我这个日记同大家分享啦。。(虽然其实我的日记系没什么读者,个‘大家’这两个字可能就只有小猫两三只,不过都好知足,好开心。。哈哈)

7月23号信主,8月23号系刚满一个月,原来我同23号这一天系甘有缘的,23号也是我的生日。。嘻嘻。。真系好。。好喜欢这个号码。。 ^.^





3)听一些轻松的音乐例如大自然的声音,就如海浪声配合轻松的钢琴音乐,它能平定你脑里的一些思想,让你的脑袋平静下来,甘你就很快可以今入梦乡---->这一招真系好有效,因为我试过,同 埋 我都有几首这样的音乐,真系好RELAX。。


5)在床边摆个紫水晶,能够帮助你宁神静气,然后就能去找周公啦。(都吾知系吾系真的 O.0?? )

烂GAG.. =p

哈哈,刚刚听到一个好废+搞笑的笑话。。可以讲系一个烂GAG(吾知系吾系甘用个GAG字 =P)

A君问: ‘ 知吾知点解个海系蓝色的?’
B君答: ‘ EH。。。吾知BOH!点解啊?’
A君答: ‘ 其实系海里面的鱼同我讲的。’
B君问: ‘ HAR?海里的鱼点同你讲啊?’
A君答: ‘ 因为当我在海里面问鱼这个问题时,我只系听到它答我BLUE。。BLUE。。BLUE甘 ,所以我 MAI知咯。。’(同常在水里面讲野都听吾清楚,最多都系听到BLUE,BLUE,BLUE)。。

Friday, August 22, 2008


今天收到消息,话香港有8号风球,听了真系令人捏一把冷汗,真系担心在香港的弟兄姊妹们,希望他们会无事。。 =(


然后我们就去了打羽毛球,哎。。昨晚个弟兄(啊扁)打电话给我时都无同我提起去打羽毛球的事,只是话有FAREWELL PARTY,搞到我毫无准备,没有好好装备自己,没有穿到适合的服饰,结果就甘出事了,我竟然突然‘爆胎’。。好尴尬。。哎。。幸好那时已经差吾多够钟,才不至于话没得玩。。真系好宝贵,幸好回到聚会地方时有位弟兄愿意借一条裤给我换,不然我真系不知如何是好。。^.^

不过之后发现我的手受伤了,可能一路上我为了拿一位弟兄的BAG黎遮挡我‘爆胎’的地方时弄伤的,可能拉伤了手筋,搞到我的右手一直好麻痹,食指一直伸吾直,真痛苦。。不过幸好经过一段时间后就慢慢有点好转。。真开心。。 =D

刚才同威哥玩桥牌,真系好吾甘心,同他的分数好接近,但系就一直追吾到,真系好吾抵。。 T.T。。不过打算明天同威哥上诉,要试下悌有没有机会超越他,如果能赢到威哥就好了。。嘻嘻。。

明天班弟兄姊妹会去SUNWAY LAGOON,由于上个月已经去过了,再加上近排好穷同埋要赶功课,所以我吾会去,希望他们玩得开心点啦.. =)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Seriously Wounded..

Didnt blog for a week..went back to ipoh for a few days...farewell for julia who is leaving for US soon...haiz...really kinda worry bout her la...go to US family...and bla bla...just hope that she can adapt to the new environment as soon as possible...JUU...dont homesick so much la...anything just find us king gai la...will always be there for you geh..take good care of yourself la...will pray for you ge la..wish you all the best...

recently spent quite a lot money...wallet really BLEED PROFUSELY...dont really feel good for spending so much money...quite guilty for spending so much money also...but thanks to wai gor...helped me so least he provided me some 'medicine' to prevent my 'wound' from getting more serious...feel so grateful to him..THANKS A LOT WAI GOR.. =)

Really happy to have so many b/s that 'sayang'(malay) me so much...hee... =D


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


刚刚跟啊玛,啊LING 同 燕玲吃完饭返黎,真系好宝贵,同她们吃得好开心,我们去
享受。。 =D

很吾错了。。 =P


真系好感激你。。 =)

来见面涡。。哈哈。。 你们两个真系很宝贵及可爱的姊妹。。 =>

哈哈。。。讲笑JEK。。真系无心之失黎GA。。就当系我送给你的FAREWELL 礼物吧。。

Monday, August 11, 2008

And You Had A ' Great Day'.... =D

感谢主,他真的听我的祷告,我果然拿到一个我自己很满意的成绩。。嘻嘻。。today woke up quite early in the morning...but refused to go to school to get my results...because i thought there will be lots of people waiting to get the results and the A-Level office will be packed with people...i dont really wish to queue up to get my results because it will only make me feel more nervous... :P

When i reached surprised to see shari and shwu yi...then i like OMG...more nervous..haha..feel more scare to see the results...but still...i walked into the office with shari and shwu yi..

when i took the results from miss rafiah..i dont really dare to open the result slip...i closed it with my hands and walked out from the office...when shari asked me bout my result..i just said i dont know because i havent opened the result slip yet...then it is shari's turns to get into the office to get her result..when she was taking her result..i just dont know why i suddenly got the guts to open the result slip to look at my result..thanks god...i got an ideal and satisfying 3A's and 1C..and somemore the C is for PHYSIC...wahahha...physic i got i got reason to tell my mom that i dont want to take physic again..because i really cant cope with it... :) crazy i am...people should be sad for getting a C..but im so weirdo that instead of feeling sad,i was happy...hehe....

Saturday, August 9, 2008


811?what will you think when you see this numbers?lottery number?car plate numbers?birthday?or anything else?

well...811 actually means 8月11日 is going to be an important day for me..because my AS result will be releasing on monday...the results can be very important...because once the result is screwed A level will be screwed up as well..sighzz..though there is a chance to retake..but if there is a choice..i dont really wish to retake..cause it is a waste of time and really will takes a lot of time to restudy all the As topics and do all the past year papers again..especially for me this kind of lazy student..retaking the papers is a hard task for me.. T.T ..retaking might also cause me lack of time to prepare for my A2..but however..nobody wish to retake..and i surely DONT WISH THAT I HAVE TO RETAKE!!so....主啊,求你保佑我,保佑我可以拿到不错的成绩。。

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tonight Tonight Tonight....

so exciting now...waiting for the sunset..waiting for the night to fall...waiting for OLYMPIC OPENING CEREMONY!!!really nervous and exciting now...have been waiting for this BEIJING OLYMPIC 2008 for quite a long time..everyone in the world is anticipating for this Beijing Olympic...heard that the opening ceremony will be very nice and exclusive...directed by ZHANG YI MOU...he is a very good director and because of this..everyone is having a lot of hopes in the opening ceremony..hope to see a very nice and unforgettable opening ceremony..hopes to see a lot of chinese cultures...chinese traditions and lots sure that im one of them... :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


好心烦,好孤单,好寂寞,好矛盾,好不开心,好想找人谈天但找不到,就算找到,也一言难尽,不知如何说出口,也不知可以找谁, 不知自己有什么朋友,不知自己是否真的有朋友,这一刻的我都不知为什么会那么悲观, 只知道这一刻的我好想跑去海边,一个人对着海,静静地坐在那里,默默的沉思,逃离这个令我烦忧的地方

好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好 NO MOOD!!!!


was on the phone with mom for quite a long time last night..talked until phone no more credits..really dead broke now..

mom's words keep spinning around in my brain..and made me cant concentrate in my works and studies..couldn't sleep well..and got some weird dreams as well..sighz..what a bad night...

Until still haunted by mom's words and im busy thinking how to change her mind...i think i better go back to ipoh as soon as possible and explain to her face to face about the stuffs we have been discussing yesterday..sighz...烦啊!!

i have been trying so hard to cool down my mind so that i can concentrate in other stuffs..JASON,YOU MUST COOL DOWN YOUR MIND!!!DON'T THINK SO MUCH!!STOP THINKING!! :(

Monday, August 4, 2008


today told mom that im going to stay at 威哥's house for two weeks..she was like so shocked..she said "i thought you going with your friends and stay at a hong kong student's house"..then she asked who is 威哥..and how do i know him..then i told her that i knew 威哥because i went for talks bout 耶稣基督..he is a hong kong guy and he can offer me a place to stay..thats why im going to hong kong...

She wasnt quite happy when she heard that...she lectured me for some time and said 你信耶稣没问题,听下就好,尽量学好那方面的东西,所有信仰的宗旨都是好的,但不可太迷信,千万别接受洗礼,我吾钟意,
好恼那些信了耶稣然后话拜神不好,讲衰其他信仰的基督徒..如果他们叫你受洗礼,一定要记住我吾钟意!!after i heard this..i just dont feel good..i do believe in JESUS..but i dont want to do something that against my mother too...真是令我左右为难,好苦恼!!!然后我一直想,点算啊,心里希望真的可以做一个信奉耶稣的基督徒..但不受洗礼可不可以呢?


Saturday, August 2, 2008


though i should be start doing my homework..but just feeling lazy..watching tv while typing this blog..such an relaxing+lazy life..makes me reluctant to get up from the sofa and walk into my room to get my work started..but i do feel bored lying on the sofa like this.. :( 真矛盾!!sighzz...

Koey(扣姨) now should have been got down from the plane..perhaps she is also on the way back to hong kong from more person left... :< so now there are only 椰子,黄香 和雪琴 is still okie as long as 椰子and黄香are here in subang..but they are going to leave in 6 days time.. T.T haizz...

Well..know that there are another group of b/s coming from hong kong but i just dont really feel happy bout that...ya,i do anticipate to see who are them..but i also feel quite worry..wonder what kind of people are them..are them as good as the previous b/s?will they be nice to me?and lots of thing to worry about..sighz..well..what i can do is to wait until 08-08-08 and then i will get all the answers for all my anxiety..well..their arrival also means that i have to start knowing the people from the beginning..and it also means that im going to be a shy shy guy again..waiting people to come to approach me..what to do..i just feel too scare to approach such a big group of people..sighz..