Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Sudden Feeling...


我不是说PERTH百分之百的绝对安全,但就是那环境给我的感觉是,很安全!!就不懂怎么形容。。有时一个人走在街上,一个人等巴士,尤其是晚上。。。我都还蛮放心的。。哪像MALAYSIA那样,晚上你如果够胆一个人等巴士。。。一个人走在无人的街道上。。那你真的是。。天不怕。。地不怕。。。简直是百毒不侵!!要送个‘服’字给你。。是佩服的‘服’。。^^。。被人打劫的话,有钱又死。。。没钱也死。。有钱的那个。。看到你CASH多多,打劫到你心痛死。。有耐心的。。可能还会带你到ATM 机把你榨干榨尽。。没带CASH出街的。。以为被人打劫也不怕。。因为没钱给人劫。。。那你就是被‘人’(没人性的那种人渣)打死。。好运的。。可能只是进进医院。。花花几百块包扎伤口。。或留医观察。。不好运的。。就可能来个半生不死的。。比死还难受。。

以上所说的情况,SO FAR我在PERTH还没听到过,因为还蛮少看报纸的。。哈哈。。


Monday, January 18, 2010

With or Without?

I know myself very well...I'm not a good looking guy...but still..always wish to looks wondering...looks better with or without specs...

Sunday, January 3, 2010


oh yea,there is something i want to share for my 1st time experience of watching a movie(AVATAR) in a cinema in foreign country(refer to Perth)...there is something i suddenly so not used to it...

which is...NO SUBTITLE!!!iN Malaysia...there is always chinese/english with malay subtitle...but now the screen is totally empty of words...and so made me pay more attention to what they are talking about..and for sure...i still miss out some of the words...(english not too good yet..haas)..

oh is still a good experience anyway...=)

I See YOU!!!

awww....this song is so good and is really matched with the movie...everytime when i listen back to this song...all the scenes of the movie keep flashing back in my mind...makes me EMO...hahahs..maybe is the touching effects...hahahs...

It is really good that i cant stop repeating it...and download the song at the moment i get home from cinema..hahas

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Great Start for 2010

Today is 1st of Jan 2010...and I have a great day!!Thanks to AVATAR!!

Went for AVATAR with shu hwa(1st time) in the noon...since everyone been telling me non-stop that Avatar is so that makes it a movie in my MUST-WATCH LIST..

This is the 1st time in my life,i have been so desperate for a movie..and the 1st time I'm willing to pay 21bucks..aka Rm63 for a movie...and also the 1st time I watch a movie since I'm here in Perth..and also..this is the 1st time i watched a 3D movie...

And you know what?IT IS HOLY WORTH FOR IT!!=D

After finished the mind still cant get out from the fantasy...until mind is still filled up with the movie scenes...(awww...i need help...else cant continue with my reality life..lolz)

So YEAH!!It is a real great day for me!![after movie went back to aunt house for dinner..grandma cooked a lot nice dish today.. =) ]

Hope everyday of my 2010...also as great as today or even greater..^^

These are the souvenirs i brought back....lolz...

A lot of 1st time for today..hope it is really a great start for my 2010..